Flex & Conditioning
Stretch Band - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076C9K99Y/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_i_HnKsFb9JWA70D
Yoga Blocks - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07V8JB78W/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_i_QmKsFbAZ5559J
*Ankle Weights - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07P6PGXPW/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_i_6oKsFbXFXG0S2
*Ankle weight should be 5 lb. and up and for students 8 and older
Ballet/Technique Classes
Black Leotard, Pink Tights & Pink Ballet Shoes
List of Items for Classes
*should have items in class by first week of October
Proudly celebrating our 30th year!
Starts of Tomorrow's Performing Team gives dancers the opportunity to take dancing to the next level with competing at 3-4 Regional and National Competitions. Eligibility is based on auditions held in August.
Being on the Performing Team is so much fun and the students always love it. Auditions are for placement only.
Being on a Performing Team requires much more time spent at the studio and more money paid toward competitions and costumes. There are several workshops and extra classes that Team Members are expected to attend. A few things you will want to know in advance are listed below.
~Dancer must attend Boot Camp/Preparation Workshop - $100.00
*This is a requirement for being on a the Performing Team
~All Team Members MUST attend three mandatory workshops and these fees are included in with your child's competition account.
~All Team Members MUST attend no less than 1 hour of ballet, 1.5 hours of production practice and 1.5 hours of flex & conditioning.
~Small Group team members will be asked and expected to pay extra choreography fees and attend more workshops than others.
Click any link below for more information or contact us at tastarsoftomorrow@yahoo.com
ALL PTM Students
Leather Turners - match skin tone
Adult sizes - https://www.capezio.com/turning-pointe-55
Child sizes - https://www.capezio.com/turning-pointe-55-child
Tiny Tap Stars
Tap Shoes - https://www.capezio.com/jr-tyette-child
Teen Tap Stars
Tap Shoes - https://www.discountdance.com/dancewear/style_S0321L.html
Performing/Competition Team